SEEMOUS – South Eastern European Mathematical Olympiad for University Students

These regulations were approved by the MASSEE (Mathematical Society of South Eastern Europe) on April 1, 2006.

  1. The aims of the SEEMOUS include:
    1. The challenging, encouragement and development of mathematically gifted higher education students in all participating institutions and corresponding countries;
    2. The fostering of friendly relationships among higher education students and educators of the participating institutions;
    3. The creation of opportunities for the exchange of information on higher education syllabi and the development of partnerships and networks between the participating institutions;
    4. The development of young researchers in mathematics and its applications.
  2. The official language of the SEEMOUS is English.
  3. The SEEMOUS is organized once every year within the first 15 days of the month of March.
  4. Countries or universities interested to host SEEMOUS should apply to MASSEE at least 15 months before the date of organization.
  5. The SEEMOUS Jury shall consist of all leaders of the participating teams representing an institution.
  6. New participants have to be accepted by MASSEE at least three months before participation.
  7. Teams represent institutions but results per country will be computed for teams of six students made up by the best six scores of students participating from each country, except if a National team is officially participating. The National teams have to be specified, in writing, by the national Mathematical Society or the Ministry of Education of the country.
  8. All decisions by the Jury are based on simple majority unless it is otherwise specified. The Chairman may vote only when a tie break is needed.
  9. The Jury could decide to suggest changes to the regulations. Suggestions are submitted to MASSEE by the chairman of the Jury for changes to be applicable from the next Olympiad. Changes in the regulations can only be approved by MASSEE.
  10. Deputy leaders may participate in the Jury and they may also replace their leaders in his/her absence.
  11. Each participating institution has one vote regardless of the size of their team.
  12. National teams can participate with students not representing institutions or a mixture. If a national team participates with a leader then the leader becomes a member of the jury and has one vote.
  13. The minutes of the Jury meeting are approved at the last meeting of the jury and before the closing of SEEMOUS. The Chairman of the Jury of the SEEMOUS is obliged to give the minutes of the Jury meetings to all leaders and to send them to the MASSEE Council.
  14. The Jury may consider and decide on any matter raised, which is not covered by any other regulation item, provided that such decision does not violate the constitution of MASSEE.
  15. Additional regulations may be added by the Jury, in which case at least two thirds majority is needed. New regulations become effective beginning the next SEEMOUS, provided they are approved by the MASSEE Council.
  16. The Chairman of the Jury may call as many day meetings as he/she deems necessary during an SEEMOUS or when at least one third of the participating institutions or national representations request an additional Jury meeting.
  17. Proposals to host an SEEMOUS are discussed during a Jury meeting and recommended to MASSEE by the Jury in an order of preference. The MASSEE shall always approve the host countries/institutions of the next two SEEMOUS.
  18. Invitations for participation are sent by MASSEE at least two months before the contest day and it should include:
    1. An invitation up to six students from each institution is sent by MASSEE. Students must be higher education students, who did not complete 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) or the equivalent by the date of the Olympiad;
    2. An invitation for up to two educators(leader and deputy leader);
    3. A call for up to three problem proposals with a deadline of one month before the contest date;
    4. All participants in SEEMOUS will have to cover their own travel, accommodation and subsistence. A participation fee to cover accommodation and subsistence will be determined every year according to the host country and institution. All payments are pre-paid to the local organizer as approved by MASSEE.
  19. The SEEMOUS contest shall take place during one day and should have duration of 5 hours. The contest paper shall consist of four problems, each carrying 10 points for a total of 40 points maximum.
  20. Each country/institution except the host institution can propose up to three problems and they should be mailed to MASSEE special Jury secretariat at least one month before the day of the contest. The proposed problems should include their solutions and the field of mathematics that are covering. The proposed problems are given to the Problem Selection Committee appointed by MASSEE.
  21. The Problem Selection Committee should make a short list of at most 50, but not less than 20 of the problems proposed and present it to the Jury for a final problem selection. The rest of the proposed problems are kept confidential and returned to the team leader of the country/institution, which has proposed them.
  22. The days before the contest, the leaders, the Jury and members of the Problem Selection Committee shall meet and accommodate at a place different and at distance from the place where students stay. During this meeting, the final contest paper will be decided and approved, translated into different languages and approved and multiplied for the contest. No member of this Committee may communicate by any means with any person other than the members of this meeting and no telephone calls will be allowed until the contest begins. If it is found absolutely necessary for someone to make a phone call, then this will have to be done at the presence of at least two leaders from different countries/institutions other than one hosting the SEEMOUS.
  23. Each student contestantwill submit solutions in the English language. Solutions may be written only on paper provided by the Organizing Committee.
  24. Each student contestant must work independently. Violation of this provision will result in disqualification of the student contestant from the SEEMOUS. The hosting country/institution should make provisions for preventing the use of any dishonest means during the contest.
  25. Student contestants are not permitted to bring any books or papers or calculators into the examining rooms. The only instruments permitted in the contest are writing and mechanical drawing instruments. Any student contestant making use of any prohibited item may be disqualified from the SEEMOUS.
  26. During the first half-hour, only, of the examination period, each student contestant may submit, on special notepaper provided, written questions for considerations by the Jury. Each paper with such questions shall be given, first to the Chairman of the Jury, and then to the team leader of the country from which the student comes. The leader will translate the question into English and will propose an answer. If the Jury approves the answer, the leader will write the answer on the paper with the student contestant question. This paper shall be given to the Chairman of the Jury for verification before it is returned to the student contestant who submitted the question.
  27. The student contestant’s solutions will be assessed in a group evaluation process where all leaders and deputy leaders will participate. The official scores are decided by the coordinators of each problem.
  28. Problem coordinators will be appointed for each problem, whose responsibility will be to accept and discuss appeals by leaders for assigned scores and correct scores, if necessary. A leader may appeal an assigned score for a specific problem to the Coordinator of the specific problems. If the two cannot agree, the appeal and the reason for rejecting the appeal will be forwarded to the Chief Coordinator who makes the final decision. Final decisions of the Chief Coordinator are accepted by the Jury by default.
  29. The type of prizes to be awarded are: Gold Medal, Silver Medal and Bronze Medal. Special prizes may be awarded for particularly meritorious and elegant solutions. A certificate of Honorable Mention shall be awarded to each student contestant who does not receive a prize and who has obtained full marks on at least one question. The total number of prizes will not exceed two thirds of the total number of student contestants participating and the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be distributed in a ratio closely approximating 1:2:3. A Certificate of Participation shall be given to all student contestants.
  30. The schedule of an SEEMOUS should not exceed 6 nights and may look like the following:
    1st day: Arrival and Jury meeting.
    2nd day: Opening Ceremony and Jury meeting for problem selection.
    3rd day: Contest Day. Papers are saved, approved by the Chairman of the Jury and numbered. Names are hidden.
    4th day: Marking of papers by the leaders and deputy leaders. Jury meeting to approve results and medals.
    5th day: Excursion and awards day.
    6th day: Departure.
  31. Each hosting institution or country must ensure quality of accommodation and food to reflect the payment of the participants. Also, it has to ensure free use of Computer facilities and Internet access, free copy service and a free excursion for all.
  32. No hosting institution can violate or modify a regulation without the agreement of MASSEE.